Monday, March 1, 2010

The Latest Incarnation of My Scrap Room - Part 5

Here are pics of the other things around my scrap room.

This is my computer setup - we have an old laptop that the router is attached to, and my laptop stays docked down there. All the cords are in the basket. The white wire 2-drawer unit has my Epson Picturemate printer and my dock/card reader in it.

This is the top of the computer cart. My Cricut Expression and phone are on top, and you can see a few of my many Build-a-Bears. It's right next to my desk for easy access.

This unit is from Target and holds my idea books.

Behind the door - ribbon hung on the ribbon tags from Ribbon Ring. The over-the-door hanger was a steal at Big Lots for $3! I keep a spare folding table behind the door for when friends come over to play.

This is on my knick-knack shelf - brads and eyelets stored in a Craft-Mate organizer, the SDU binder I got free and use it as a swatch book (in progess) of pens and inks and Stickles (oh my! lol). The purple notebook has stencils. The cute ribbon-tied box I made at the Club Scrap Rolling Retreat a few years ago and use it for my spare printer ink. The shelf was originally an ugly fake-wood brown, so I painted it white and ran ribbon along the edges (you can see a bit at the bottom of the pic).

Next post is just general decor in my room!

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