Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Good and Bad

Last night I wasn't doing well, my incision ached and I was really uncomfortable. Putting a warm washcloth on my neck helped for a bit, but still couldn't sleep. I dream of the night I can sleep the whole night through, it's been awhile!

Despite feeling icky, I had a great breakthrough today - I was talking on the way back from lunch (big surprise, huh, lol?), and all of a sudden my voice started to sound NORMAL! Woohoo! I'm back anf forth, still scratchy, but at least my voice is in there somewhere! Yay! I told Rob and his response was "Darn" lol.

Speaking of Rob - I'm kinda worried about the guy. I came home from work and the front bedroom where his computer and beer-making supplies are was CLEAN. Like nothing on the floor. The desk had a surface where one could spread out and write. I was pleasantly surprised, since it's been a disaster for awhile!

1 comment:

Christy said...

I'm so sorry you are having such a rough time. I hope EVERYTHING gets better quick.
Also, BEER MAKING SUPPLIES??? what is up with that? LOL