Saturday, July 12, 2008

Missing my babies

We dropped the puppies off at the "doggie hotel" tonight. I always get so sad to leave them (at least I don't cry anymore when I drop them off lol)! But boy, you should have seen how excited they got when we made the turn down the road of the kennel. They love it there!

As usual, they spazzed when we brought them in. We were feeling really sorry for the poor girl who worked there, who had to take both of them and their food out to their "room". But we watched them walk out there, and I'm not really sure if it was our doggies or not because they were BEHAVING! OUR DOGS were walking quietly next to her, not pulling, just being like the dogs we point out to them saying "See, THOSE dogs are good - you should act like them". We're so proud :)

We sure do miss our girls though, not the same at home without them.

Jenn (who is excited to be heading to San Antonio, TX, in the morning!)

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