Tuesday, January 20, 2009


There was sarcasm in that title. Did you sense it? The day in question is yesterday, January 19.

To start off with, the husband didn't have to work because schools were closed for Martin Luther King Day. At least he did get up, but not until I was ready to leave.

Then, I missed open-faced turkey and mashed potatoes at the Ale House, my usual Monday lunch.

Why? Because I had to work through lunch since I had to leave at 2 for an enjoyable THYROID ULTRASOUND. Always fun to have goo put on your neck and a hard object pressed on it.

After that, I thought it might be a good idea to get my BLOOD TEST done to check my thyroid levels. At least I didn't have to wait long, and the Quest lab by me is one of the nice ones.

Then on to my doctor for my annual WELL-WOMAN EXAM. Oh what fun to have strange contraptions shoved where they don't belong. And those lovely gowns and paper skirts. Fashionable!

To make things more exciting, I am almost 36 - so the doctor decided to give me a prescription for a BASELINE MAMMOGRAM. Ugg.

I thought the torture was over, when my doctor inquired about the last time I had a TETANUS SHOT. Someone shoot me now. So I suffered through that. Not horrible, but my arm still aches over a day later.

After my delightful afternoon, Rob refused to take me to dinner! I deserved dinner out, not leftover spaghetti! Harrrrumph!


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