Monday, September 14, 2009

Country Bob's

Several months ago I received two bottles of Country Bob's All Purpose Sauce from one of the owners and was asked to taste and review. I've been bad and failed to review - but we have definitely tasted!

The sauce was originally created in 1968, and the company as it's known today was formed in 1982. They do fundraisers, which I didn't know - much better than buying over-priced wrapping paper from the kids! The bottles are plastic and easily recyclable (#1). They are a Christian company and their motto states that "Christ is our CEO".

I'm not a big fan of sauces by themselves. However, I have added All-Purpose Sauce when making burgers and meatloaf with yummy results. I used to use either A-1 or BBQ sauce in my meatloaf, but have switched to just Country Bob's. Actually, I pulled a meatloaf from the freezer for dinner tonight that has the sauce in it! The sauce is fat-free, gluten-free, and low in calories.

Rob, my husband, puts the sauce on everything - just the other day he loaded it on a grilled chicken sandwich. Rob is very picky with his sauces - especially ones that aren't fire-hot. Country Bob's doesn't have that processed taste that many all-purpose sauces have, and it adds a lot of flavor.

If you are looking for a sauce that goes in or on just about everything (not sure I'd like it on ice cream lol), be sure to pick up Country Bob's All-Purpose sauce at your local store!


1 comment:

Sue said...

Holy Schnikey's Batman!

First banana bread and now meatloaf?! Surely we are doomed!!
