Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I Cooked!

I know, you're glad you were sitting down before you read this! Really, I did!

Last week I made a Mexican concoction that turned out pretty good, we had it with tortillas like burritos.

Sunday I made Tunafish Casserole. Used mom's recipe but altered a bit.

Last night I made Meatloaf. No recipe, I used whatever I grabbed! Thank goodness it turned out great (Rob said so!) since you can't taste-test meatloaf until it's done and too late!

This afternoon I have a pot of homemade spaghetti sauce simmering. No recipe again, and not from a jar! I did use a jar sauce as my base, but added lots of stuff to it! So far it's pretty good. I'll make the noodles later, and Rob's picking up bread that we'll dip into olive oil and spices like at Carraba's.

See, it does happen every once in awhile! :)

1 comment:

Christy said...

Yeah Jenn. It all sounds wonderful. Can we come over for supper? I forgot to take something out and just realized I only have to small things of ground beef. Just had it last night and night before. Blaa. Why do we always buy so much ground beef? LOL. Maybe Donny will stop and bring something home. HMMM. Or you can bring us your leftovers. HA. Kidding of course.
Congrats on the cooking.