Sunday, November 15, 2009

Can you say CLUELESS?

You all know my poor doggie, Malley, had surgery to repair a torn ligament. Well, her sister Madigan is CLUELESS. I had to take them to the kennel this weekend, so got Madigan in the back seat and then put Malley in the front since that would be easier on her leg not to climb in the back (I have a two-door).

Madigan decided she wanted to be in the front too, first getting into my seat, which obviously wouldn't work. So once I got in, she moved over to the passenger seat and sat ON Malley. She finally must decided there wasn't enough room for both of them in the seat (you think?!?) and moved to the back.

Love those dogs!

"UGG," Malley says, "GET OFF ME YOU TWERP!"


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