Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sunshine Challenge

Rob and I went to the Sunshine Challenge this weekend in Orlando. The SC is a homebrew beer & mead competition. Rob plans to enter next year (he's brewed for years and usually turns out some yummy stuff!), but for now, we just went to the weekend-long event to enjoy what others made.

We met a bunch of great people and had a lot of fun. Tried some new beers and got a TON of prizes and freebies.
Friday night was a dinner and beer fest. Sort of. "Dinner" consisted of appetizers (of the bar food variety) and were in short supply. Many people didn't get anything to eat at all, and others got only a little. We missed most of the first round and were lucky enough to get food the second time around.

Saturday was a pub crawl - much more fun than the field trips we went on in school lol! We went to BJ's and tried their sampler, along with the food they provided us (wasn't too fond of their pizza, but I've eaten at other locations and enjoyed the other menu offerings). Next was House of Beer which had a great selection on tap, including a couple of IPAs we hadn't tried. We both liked Rob's better but he was kind and let me have it all. Finally, we hit Bar Louie, which had a large draft selection too, although not as many good ones. I got free sweet tea there so I was happy lol :)
After the pub crawl was a nice sit-down dinner (it was really good after all that bar food!) and awards for the best beers. Hopefully next year Rob will be up there! At dinner, someone had this cute little guy - he moves!

PS: Funny iPhone story - there's an app called Bump that I have but hadn't used yet. You put your contact info in it, and then literally bump hands with someone else who has the app (you both need to have the app open) to exchange your contact info. I "Bumped" for the first time with our new friends (they all downloaded the app as soon as I mentioned it). I thanked the guy for "bumping" with me, so that was the running joke all day lol.

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