Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Getting Better!

The staples are really looking funny now that the swelling in my neck is going away. I still can't talk very well, I'm very hoarse. Doesn't hurt to talk, but I'm sure it sounds that way. Rob still wishes I couldn't talk at all, but he'll take what he can get. He can pretend he doesn't hear me, and these days, that could really be true since my voice is softer!

Here's a pic. I get my staples out Friday! You can't see, but my hair is clean (I've been washing it daily) and I have makeup on for the first time since last Wednesday! The green top is a real shirt instead of a pajama top. I also have a bra on for the first time since Thursday morning - Rob didn't understand why that should make him happy lol. ;)Jenn

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