Saturday, June 14, 2008

I Have Office Supplies in My Neck?!?

When Dr. S (my surgeon) said staples, I didn't realize he really meant those metal things that hold paper together! I took a pic of my incision - gross but still kinda cool. The mark below it is where my drain was. You can see a bit of my new purple jammies. And some of my gross unwashed hair lol - getting ready to take my first shower in two days, woohoo!

My first night at home went well, although I can definitely appreciate why I was in the hospital overnight - my bed doesn't automatically raise and lower lol! Rob was a super nurse, getting me my meds as I needed them. Poor guy, I woke him up at 3am to find out when I'd had them last because I really have no concept of time! I was able to get pudding and the meds myself, but he got up and was ready to help anyway. Love that man!



Adriane Kelly Winchester said...

Battle scars!!! They aren't too bad - I am sure they will heal fine :)

Unknown said...


Looks painful, but you look great! Smiling and everything!

Kudos to Rob for being such a good sport and caregiver. :)

When do you get to go back to work?

MomInTraining3 said...

oh my Jenn. Your poor thing. Yeah to Robb for being such a helper.