Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Update on Recovery

I think I over-did it yesterday. I was awake for about 10 hours straight, which is a record these days. Plus I did some scrapbooking, went out to lunch, and went shopping. I'm paying for it today, although I did make Rob take me to an early dinner at Cheddar's. I never thought I'd say this, but I am tired of mac & cheese! Don't worry, I still love it, but I need a bit more variety than just that and tuna sandwiches every day.

I had a bizarre phone call, but I'm not reading anything into it until I talk to my doctor on Friday morning. Because my surgery was to check for cancer, my info was passed along to the oncology department at my health insurance company. A caseworker called to talk to me, see how I was doing, and go over some of the resources they have available. I told her that the preliminary screenings showed no cancer, and I would find out for sure on Friday. Kinda nice to know that she's there, just in case.

My hand has been hurting where the IV was inserted, and I have self-diagnosed myself with phlebitis. It's an "inflammation of a vein, with or with out blood clots inside the vein. Phlebitis is a common condition, and generally gets better without treatment. ... It is probably caused by the presence of the IV catheter in the vein, which may damage the lining of the vein. ... The only treatment usually necessary is for the symptoms... anti-inflammatory medicine, such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen for pain, or local heat." Here's where I found this info. Of course, I can't have ibuprofen until the staples come out, and I will definitely mention the pain at my appointment on Friday. (I did look on Web MD and it says pretty much the same thing, just where I found it is in English lol).

Despite my hand hurting and being real sluggish today, the worse thing overall is my voice. I knew there was a chance my vocal cords could have been hit, and I'm talking really soft and funny. My throat is a bit sore, but really doesn't hurt like it sounds! Rob and others are having trouble understanding me. From the info I was given post-surgery, this should be temporary. If you're not Rob, please send positive vibes that I get my voice back! (If you're Rob, don't do anything - I don't need silencing vibes sent my way lol!)

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