Friday, June 6, 2008

Pre-Op Done, Now I Wait

I had my pre-op done at our local hospital today. I had a very good experience, so hopefully that means surgery will go well too! Everyone was super-nice and very capable. TONS of paperwork, learned a few things (like you can break your teeth when given anesthesia if you bite down too hard lol!), got 4 vials of blood drawn, had an EKG (never did that before, the sticky things were COLD!), had to pee in a cup (geez is it hard to pee on command, especially when you're in an awkward position!), and had two chest x-rays. Not too bad.

Now just to survive until next Thursday... (the nurse asked if I had stomach problems - yeah, it's called NERVES!)

1 comment:

Amy said...

Good luck! I'll be thinking about you on the 12th!